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Claudio Ambrosini's Il Killer di parole receives the Premio Abbiati 2010
Andrea Molino conducted the World
Premiere at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice
The 30th edition of
the prestigious music critics' Franco Abbiati Prize has awarded the 2010 prize
for the best first performance of an opera to Claudio Ambrosini's Il killer
di parole.
Andrea Molino had conducted
the production at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice in December 2010 and will
conduct the French Premiere at the Opéra national de Lorraine in Nancy in June
and July 2012.
Reviews of the World Premiere
Marc Sinan – HASRETIM
Special Prize of the Young EARopean Award
Andrea Molino had conducted the World Premiere
The German UNESCO Commission has awarded the Special
Prize of the YEAH! Young EARopean Award to the German-Turkish-Armenian
musician Marc Sinan and Dresdner Sinfoniker for HASRETIM – trip to
Anatolia. Andrea Molino had conducted the World Premiere in Dresden in the frame of
the festival Tonlagen on October 9, 2010.
The score itself is the result of an intense collaboration between Marc Sinan
and Andrea Molino.
more information
of the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International
Molino conducts the Zurich Chamber Orchestra in
the Penal Colony
by Philip Glass
Premiere – Zurich, Theater der Künste, May 20, 21 and 22
Molino will conduct the Zürcher Kammerorchester on the occasion of the Swiss
Premiere of In the Penal Colony, a chamber opera by Philip
Glass, which premiered in 2000
in Seattle. The performance in Zurich's Theater der Künste is part of a festival dedicated to Philip Glass and organized by the ZKO.
Molino is also responsible for the artistic direction and team coordination of
the interdisciplinary stage concept, a cooperation between several departments
of the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.
the Penal Colony is based on Franz Kafka's short story In der Strafkolonie and describes "...an
execution planned for one of the prisoners of the "colony" for which,
and up until then, an execution machine has been routinely used. The material
itself is allegorical, and though at first the story appears to address the
question of capital punishment, in fact Kafka uses it as a platform to explore,
extensively and poetically, issues of humanism, idealism, and
the project is an ideal platform for the celebration of Amnesty International's 50th anniversary. The performance on May 21 is dedicated to the
international NGO, Amnesty International, which, since 1961 has worked
throughout the world for the cause of human rights.
with and for Amnesty International creates a continuity for Andrea Molino.
Since the premiere of Those
Who Speak in a Faint Voice (about the death penalty) took
place in Basle in 2011 in collaboration with AI; many of his projects – for
example Of
Flowers and Flames (a multimedia concert for live video and orchestra about
the Bhopal Gas Disaster), or the multimedia music theatre CREDO (on ethnic and religious
conflicts), or WINNERS (on "winners and losers") - focus on human rights issues.
Zurich, May 20, 21 and 22 (two performances) – Theater der Künste/Bühne A
more information
Waltz with Bashir and Cinema Jenin
Andrea Molino conducts the Dresdner Sinfoniker
The Middle-East Conflict in two documentary films with live music
project has brought Andrea Molino to Israel and
the West Bank in 2003, and his
direct contact with land and people has only increased his interest
for the social and political situation in the
Middle-East. This project is the natural development of his focus on
theme. He will conduct the Dresdner Sinfoniker in the live
performance of the soundtracks of two films: the Israelian animated
documentary Waltz with
Bashir and a documentary about the
reopening of the Cinema Jenin in Palestine.
with Bashir,
written and directed by Ari Folman, is based on autobiographic material. Folman interviews fellow veterans of the 1982
invasion of Lebanon to reconstruct his own memories of his term of service in
that conflict and of his experience of the massacre in Sabra and Shatila. The
composer of the soundtrack, Max Richter, and the Dresdner Sinfoniker conducted
by Andrea Molino will now for the first time perform live the film's
Venues: February 15: Berlin
(Volksbühne) / March 3: Frankfurt an der Oder (Deutsch-Polnische
Musikfesttage) / Autumn 2011: Dresden (Hellerau)
more information
Whereas Waltz
with Bashir, premiered
at the Cannes Festival in 2008, has already won many international prizes
(among which a Golden Globe), the documentary film Cinema Jenin by
Marcus Vetter, author of the stunning documentary Das Herz von Jenin (2008), is currently still in the making. The
Cinema Jenin, a movie theater built in the 1960s in the West Bank, one of the major film theatres in
Palestine, was closed down in 1987 with the outbreak of the first Intifada. The
documentary shows how it could be reopened in 2010, owing to the dedication of
countless of volunteers and generous supporters, in a decayed pigeon paradise
in Palestine that was turned into a state-of-the-art cinema and cultural
centre. Andrea Molino will conduct the Dresdner Sinfoniker in the live performance of the film's soundtrack.
Venues: World Premiere: Autumn 2011 in Jenin and Ramallah; further performances in the Middle East and in Europe
more information
Memories, VIOLENCE, suppression
Dresden and February 13, 1945
pages of Molino's score for WINNERS in an
at the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB)
A Dresden
exhibition tries to show how the bombing of Dresden on February 13, 1945, at
the End of World War II, is present in witness and discussion. Two pages
of the score of Andrea Molino's multimedia music action WINNERS are presented.
explores the culture
of victory; with
live music, video projections and performing arts the project debates the
common political and social tendency to divide people, nations and cultures
through the categories of winners and losers. Dresden is one of the five locations presented
in the project, together with New York, Sharpeville (South Africa), Ayutthaya
(Thailand) and Wallatina (South Australia).
Venue: Dresden
(Buchmuseum), January 29 - April 2
more information
World Premiere of Il Killer di Parole – Reviews
Andrea Molino has conducted the World Premiere of
Claudio Ambrosini's Il Killer di Parole at Venice,
Teatro La Fenice, on December 10, 2010. Reviews of the event are now available
on Molino's homepage.
Claudio Ambrosini: Il Killer di Parole
Andrea Molino conducts Opera World Premiere at La Fenice
Venice, Teatro La Fenice – December 10, 2010
Andrea Molino has often worked both with Claudio
Ambrosini and the Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice in the last years; the conducting of the World Premiere of Ambrosini's new Opera Il Killer di Parole, a co-production of Teatro La
Fenice with the Opéra national de Lorraine (Nancy), marks a new chapter in this
fruitful and passionating collaboration.
Ambrosini signs not only for the score but also for the
libretto of the opera commissioned by Teatro La Fenice. Il Killer di Parole is not based on any existing piece of literature but
follows an idea developed in a series of
conversations Ambrosini had with his friend
Daniel Pennac. The score, as Molino analyses in an interview, is
full of fascinating, unusual sounds, and the parts of the singers, elegant and
The opera tells the story of
an editor whose task is to sort out from the vocabulary antiquated words not in
use anymore in order to make place for up-to-date and fashionable ones. His
fascination for the beauty and the charm of the words he is supposed to „kill"
makes this task impossible for him, and he thus eventually fails. About
twenty-five years later his task is to record the rarest languages on earth
from the very voice of their last speakers in order to decide which of them
should be preserved. Again, his inability to decide which of those strange,
fascinating languages has to disappear leads him to another, now ultimate
Roberto Abbondanza will sing the title role, Andrea Molino
will conduct Orchestra and Choir of Teatro La Fenice, the director is Francesco Micheli.
The Performance of December, 14 will be broadcast live by RAI Radio 3.
more information:
texts and interviews
Fenice's locandina
„Wo die Zitronen verdorren"
Radio feature on the situation
of cultural life in Italy
Dorette Deutsch interviews among others
composer and conductor Andrea Molino
Sunday, October 17, 2010 on SWR2, 2.05-3h p.m.
What has become of Italian cultural life in the last years,
especially since Berlusconi is back again? Creativeness and finances seem both
to be in a sorry state. For her radio feature „Wo die Zitronen verdorren. Eine
italienische Reise", Dorette Deutsch has interviewed writers like Andrea
Camilleri and Carlo Fruttero as well as the composer and conductor Andrea
Molino. „No one in Italy can say today he has been deceived. From the very
beginning it was absolutely clear how things would develop", Molino says. Thus
the feature turns out to be the description of a cultural scene between
resignation and rests of hope.
Venice, October 8-13, 2010 – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
The Institute for Living Voice (ILV) in Venice
A project of Theater Transparant Antwerp in co-production with Fondazione Claudio Buziol and Fondazione Giorgio Cini and in collaboration with the Conservatorio „B.
Marcello" (Venice)
As the music curator of the Fondazione Claudio Buziol, Andrea Molino
had invited the Institute for Living Voice (ILV) to Venice.
From October 8-13, the ILV has presented the 14th edition of its
annual international educational project, directed by David Moss and
to the diversity and richness of the vocal art in workshops,
debates and lectures with David Moss himself, Barbara Hannigan and
Trevor Wishart.
The Venice edition was organized in co-production with the Fondazione
Claudio Buziol and the laboratorioarazzi (electroacoustic music
laboratories at the Istituto per la Musica of the Fondazione Giorgio
Cini) and in collaboration with the Conservatorio di Musica „B.
It took place in the spectacular building of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
more information
Dresden-Hellerau, October 9, 2010 – Festival Tonlagen Andrea Molino conducts World Premiere of Marc Sinan's HASRETIM – EINE ANATOLISCHE REISE
Songs from the mountains around Erzurum and Kars on the easternmost outskirts of Turkey, close to the Armenian frontier, are a musical documentation of a different modern world: archaic melodies which have told an endless variety of stories about love, hate, God and the mountains since time immemorial. Driven by hasret – the Turkish term for undefinable longing – the German Turkish musician Marc Sinan and Markus Rindt, manager of Dresden Symphony Orchestra (Dresdner Sinfoniker), looked for musical encounters in this wide, wild landscape. The result is a concert installation with video documents and Turkish folk music as well as the music of Turkish troubadours. The world premiere of the production has been presented in the frame of the festival Tonlagen on October 9, 2010. Andrea Molino has conducted an ensemble of 22 instrumentalists, composed of members of the Dresdner Sinfoniker and Turkish musicians. The score itself is the result of an intense collaboration between Marc Sinan and Andrea Molino. Venue: Dresden-Hellerau, Festspielhaus, Großer Saal, 7pm
more information Reviews The Premiere has been recorded by DeutschlandRadio Kultur and was broadcast on November 1, 2010. |
Ostfildern, October 1, 2010 – opening of the Festival Zukunftsmusik Andrea Molino directs World Premiere of Paolo Perezzani's Au bord du sens A piece involving professional and amateur musicians Paolo Perezzani's full evening Au bord du sens involves not only ten singers of the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart and four percussionists, but also ensembles of the Jugendmusikschule and choirs of Ostfildern and about 200 persons without special musical knowledges participating with their voices and producing sounds just by simple gestures. Together, they have created a most complex musical event, still enlarged by the projection of literary and philosophical texts. Andrea Molino has coordinated and conducted this concert, the opening event of Zukunftsmusik, a festival for innovative music, conceived and organized by Musik der Jahrhunderte in cooperation with KulturRegion Stuttgart.
Venue: Zentrum an der Halle Ostfildern, 8pm |

Teatro La Fenice, Venice
Molino conducts World Premiere of Maderna's Requiem Concert Season's Opening – November 19 and 20, 2009
Andrea Molino has conducted the World Premiere of Bruno Maderna's Requiem (1946) for four soloists, double choir and large orchestra at Teatro La Fenice. He stepped in for Riccardo Chailly who suddenly fell ill. Madernas Requiem had been considered as lost. But a surviving copy was discoverd in September 2006 in the library of the New York University by Italian musicologist Veniero Rizzardi. The World Premiere was one of the outstanding events in La Fenice's season 2009/10. Carmela Remigio (s), Veronica Simeoni (a), Lorenzo Regazzo (t) and Mario Zeffiri (b) sang the solo parts, accompanied by Orchestra and Choir of Teatro La Fenice, conducted by Andrea Molino. The concert was broadcast live by RAI Radio 3. The venue for the two concerts was Venice's Teatro La Fenice on November 19 (8pm) and 20 (5pm), 2009
Press Conference Of Flowers And Flames – DVD Presentation December 2, 12.30 p.m., Ca' Farsetti, Venice 25 years after the Bhopal disaster Andrea Molino dedicated his multimedial concert Of Flowers And Flames to its victims. His project gives voice and pays homage, through art and music, to the passion, courage and spirit of the people whose lives have been touched by the horror of this event. Of Flowers And Flames was premiered on occasion of the closure of the World Venice Forum 2009 on October 3, 2009 with Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, in the Basilica dei Frari. Now a DVD of the World Premiere produced by the IAES and the Associazione Nazionale Italiana Cantanti is available. It will be presented in a press conference in Venice on December 2, 2009, in the presence of Andrea Molino and, among others, of Massimo Cacciari (Mayor of the City of Venice) as well as, in a telephone connection, of Peace Nobel Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel, President of the IAES and Satinath Sarangi who founded the Sambhavna Trust in Bhopal. Reviews |

October 3 and 4, 2009 - Venice - Basilica dei Frari Of Flowers And Flames World Premiere – Multimedia Concert Andrea Molino's new work for orchestra and live video has been presented in the frame of the Gala Concert marking the conclusion of the World Venice Forum 2009 in the Basilica dei Frari. Of Flowers And Flames was conceived on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster: In December 1984 a cloud of toxic gas was released from an American pesticide factory in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), an event frequently cited as the world's worst industrial disaster. The multimedia concert wishes to give voice and pay homage, through art and music, to the passion, courage and spirit of the people whose lives have been touched by the horror of this event. Through their testimony, Of Flowers And Flames reaches out to the entire international community. "If justice is not done in Bhopal, then justice won't be done in this world" says Satinath Sarangi, and thus the project finds its natural context within the World Venice Forum, dedicated to the creation of the International Environmental Criminal Court in Venice. In June 2009 Andrea Molino accompanied by a video crew went to Bhopal were audiovisual material was collected which will become the multimedia material projected during the performance. By using a specifically developed multimedia software (MeRit) the musicians will musically interact with the audiovisual material: the video becomes an instrument. Andrea Molino has conducted the Orchestra of Teatro La Fenice; the program also presented works by Ives, Sciarrino, Goebbels, Walshe and Monteverdi and Gabrieli adaptions by Ambrosini.
more |

The Gala Concert was part of The Garden Of Forking Paths, the Cultural Program of the World Venice Forum 2009. As its Cultural and Artistic Director, Andrea Molino had conceived a voluminous two-day-program of concerts and multimedia installations, in part as live connections with different locations all over the world, through the collaborations with the Brisbane Festival, Wien Modern, the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Hellerau in Dresden, the Manchester Camerata and the Milan Triennale among others. In the focus are composers like Stockhausen, Cage (with an homage to the 70th anniversary of the Premiere of Imaginary Landscapes), Messiaen, Saariaho, Murail, Kurtág and others, locations all over Venice and internationally renowned performers. more |

WORLD PREMIERE on DVD Molino conducts Mosca's Signor Goldoni
Signor Goldoni by composer Luca Mosca and librettist Gianluigi Melega was commissioned by Teatro La Fenice to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Carlo Goldoni. The World Premiere, conducted by Andrea Molino in September 2007 at La Fenice in Venice is now available on dvd. A cast of internationally renowned singers including Barbara Hannigan, Alda Caiello, Sara Mingardo and Cristina Zavalloni is directed by Davide Livermore. Andrea Molino conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro La Fenice. The lively two-act comedy is an homage to Carlo Goldoni, but even more to Venice. Taking place in a surreal, dreamlike dimension of complete imaginative liberty, it is a play of masks that bears the stamp of comic energy, allusion, delicacy and - thanks to its music - a constant, incessant movement. more |
Andrea Molino: un Temps vécu, ou qui pourrait l'être Documentary Video The World Premiere of Andrea Molino's multimedia staged concert un Temps vécu, ou qui pourrait l'être on June 6. 2008 at Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Lille is documented on a recently released video. The project, produced by Le Fresnoy and published by RAI Trade, was performed by David Moss (vocalist), Michele Marelli (basset horn), Marco Giovinazzo (percussions) and Emmanuelle Fitamant (actress), and features a.o. video materials from the project We, On Death Row by Oliviero Toscani. The video is available on Andrea Molino's homepage. |
Dresden - October 12, 2008 Molino conducts Closing Event of 22nd Dresden Festival of Contemporary Music Andrea Molino will conduct the Dresdner Sinfoniker on occasion of the closing concert of the 22nd Dresden Festival of Contemporary Music on October 12, 2008 at 8pm in the Festspielhaus Hellerau (great concert hall). On the programme: - a space odyssey | de stijl :: remix08 Louis Andriessen: De Stijl Speaker: Beppie Blanckert Solo Voices: Tannie Willemstein, Marleene Goldstein, Barbara Borden, Ananda Goud Stanley Kubrick's "2001 - A Space Odyssey": live Video-ReMix VJ: ivan e. Dresdner Sinfoniker Conductor: Andrea Molino The unconventional and exciting orchestration of Louis Andriessen's masterwork „De Stijl" (no strings, 6 saxophones, brass, three pianos - one of them upright-, synth, two electric guitars, electric bass, 4 female voices, rock percussions...) is probably the most evident and spectacular common element between the two parts of this unusual concert program. In reality, the concept that organically relates Andriessen's visionary work to ivan e.'s video-remix of Stanley Kubrick's cult film - one of the musically most specific movies of the history of cinema - goes far beyond this. The goal is to define new boundaries of the concept and the praxis of live performance: existing rituals are no more sufficient, new paths need to be explored. After their first collaboration in Paris for the WINNERS project, Andrea Molino and the Dresdner Sinfoniker meet again on this common vision.
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June 2008 Molino starts collaboration with Lundström Arts Management From June, 2008 Andrea Molino has started a collaboration with Lundström Arts Management, Dublin/Ireland (www.lundstrom-am.com). The new international artist's agency is representing him both as a composer and a conductor. For direct contact please write to info@lundstrom-am.com more
June 6, 2008 – Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Lille un Temps vécu, ou qui pourrait l’être A multimedia staged concert (2007-2008) World Premiere Categories such as simultaneity, temporal linearity, univocity of the concept of duration (that is, memory) not only form part of the everyday arsenal of the musician. They are the pillars on which stand all possible types of communication through which the entire information exchange system within a community is transmitted: its culture. Closer inspection, however, shows how this construct of elements is not as solid as it might appear. The identification of possible "deviations" from the system of collective conventions can liberate a surprising charge of linguistic and expressive potential: for example, a series of perceptual illusions that can prove stimulating, interesting and amusing. The purpose of the present project is precisely to explore its vocabulary, by employing in the musical field and in the context of a concert the linguistic possibilities of the new communication technologies. The project, produced by Le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains and published by RAI Trade, is performed by David Moss (vocalist), Michele Marelli (basset horn), Marco Giovinazzo (percussions) and Emmanuelle Fitamant (actress), and features a.o. video materials from the project "We, On Death Row" by Oliviero Toscani. The World Premiere will take place on June 6, 2008 at Le Fresnoy (Lille) on occasion of the opening of the exhibition "Panorama 9-10". |

July 7-11, 2008 – Fondazione Replay, Venice The Garden Of Forking Paths - Workshop The "Pause – Summer Camp" Workshop Series of the Replay Foundation in Venice will host Andrea Molino's interdisciplinary workshop under the title "The Garden Of Forking Paths". The workshop is open to musicians as well as to video artists, graphic designers, digital artists, web designers and photographers and will develop itself a.o. through the labyrinth of the streets and the canals of Venice, with base camp at Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, the Foundation's new Venetian venue. Other workshops in the “Pause - Summer Camp” program will be hold by such artists as Casey Reas (interaction designer), Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin (photographers), Matali Crasset (industrial designer), Anthony Burrill (graphic designer). For information and applications: workshop@fondazioneclaudiobuziol.org. From 2008 Andrea Molino is also the Music Curator of the Replay Foundation. |
Lille – 2007-2008 Molino is "Invited Artist" at Le Fresnoy For the season 2007-2008 Andrea Molino is "Invited Artist" at Le Fresnoy in Lille (France). Le Fresnoy, a French national studio for contemporary art, is a center for advanced studies focussing also on interdisciplinary multimedia artistic research. Invited artists guarantee for the high and up-to-date quality of teaching and are given the possibility to realize projects. Thus Andrea Molino will present a new project of his own in the frame of the festival Panorama in June 2008. |
Dresden – February 2008 WINNERS presented in international colloquim On February 11, Andrea Molino has presented his project WINNERS in the frame of the 2nd international colloquium "Erinnern als Engagement für Frieden, Demokratie & Menschenrechte", held on occasion of the anniversary of Dresden's destruction (February 13, 1945). International and local participants – renowned scientists and artists – discussed subjects associated with the event's historical and actual effects. Among the numerous organizers were the Landeshauptstadt Dresden (Dresden, Sachsen's capital), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Jewish Community. |
Rome – January 13th, 2008 Paolo Fresu Runnin' – A Multimedia Event Andrea Molino has signed for the multimedia direction and the live video concept on occasion of a multimedia project presented by the Fondazione Musica per Roma and performed in Rome on January 13, 2008. Featuring the celebrated Italian jazz trumpet player Paolo Fresu and friends, the project Paolo Fresu Runnin' took place simultaneously in all three concert halls and in the foyers of Rome's Auditorium - Parco della Musica. The sound and video system MeRit, developed by Andrea Molino and Holger Stenschke, made such simultaneous performances possible and was an important contribution to an event connecting different spaces and different audiences. |
September 2007 Signor Goldoni by Mosca and Melega in Venice Molino has conducted the World Premiere of Mosca's Opera at La Fenice Andrea Molino has conducted the first performance of the dramma giocoso in two acts Signor Goldoni by composer Luca Mosca and librettist Gianluigi Melega at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice on September 21. The premiere was broadcasted live by the Italian Radio RAI 3. Reviews unanimously praised Molino's precise and passionate work with a well prepared orchestra and choir and a cast of internationally renowned singers including Barbara Hannigan, Alda Caiello, Sara Mingardo and Cristina Zavalloni. "Opera buffs expecting a traditional opera at the world premiere of Signor Goldoni were surprised with English. The opera marks the third centennial of the birth of one of Venice's favorite sons, Carlo Goldoni. The venerable Venice opera house La Fenice commissioned the work," writes Sylvia Poggioli in her radio review "All Things Considered" (September 29, 2007); click here to listen: NPR Radio. |
Düsseldorf, July 2, Institut für Musik und Medien The Sense Of The Place oder Coca-Cola im Weissen Haus In the frame of IMM PRESENTATIONS, the Institut für Musik und Medien of the Robert Schumann University at Düsseldorf has invited Andrea Molino to talk about his view on the possibilities of communication technologies in music and particularlymusic theatre which he considers to be far from having been thought out dramaturgically in all their varieties. Holger Stenschke (Sound Engineer and Sound Designer at Karlsruhe's ZKM) who has been working with Andrea Molino for a long time will present the interactive digital environment system MeRit developed by Andrea Molino and himself which is used in several of Molino's multimedia projects as well as in those of other renowned composers. Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf, IMM Labor A 2.32 - July 2, 15 p.m. |
Venice, June 5 Press Conference for the World Forum - Venice 2009 The Venice International Forum of October 2 and 3, 2009, promoted by the "International Academy of Environmental Sciences" (IAES) with the participation of Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, has been presented in a press conference in Venice in a worldwide webconference and broadcast in conjunction with television networks worldwide. The International Conference will discuss "The changing health of our planet and species. Environmental disasters: irresponsibility and safeguards". Andrea Molino, Cultural and Artistic Director of the project, has taken part in the press conference and presented the artistic program as well as his own new multimedia music project We Are Dancing Flames (working title, the definite title is Of Flowers And Flames), dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster. Informations about the conference and the official program can be found under www.iaes./info. Sede Regionale del Veneto of the RAI, Palazzo Labia Cannaregio/San Geremia 275, 12 a.m |
July 2007 Three Concerts in Sicily Andrea Molino will conduct the Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana on occasion of three concerts. On the programme: Georg Druschetzky, Partita in C for timpani e orchestra, Giovanni Sollima, Tempeste e Ritratti, Franz Josef Haydn, Symphony Nr. 103 Es-Dur "mit dem Paukenwirbel" ("The Drumroll"), and Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony Nr. 6 in F Op. 68 ("Pastorale"). The concerts will take place on Friday, July 13th at Palermo (Atrio della Biblioteca Comunale), on Saturday, July 14th at Palermo - Opening of the "Festino 2007" (Giardino della Cattedrale), and on Sunday, July 15th at Bagheria (Villa Cattolica). |
April / October 2007 Molino portrait on Italian Radio RAI The Italian national radio has broadcasted a portrait dedicated to Andrea Molino's music. As part of the series „Ritratti contemporanei” (Contemporary portraits), a selection of his works could be heard on April 24th and 25th on Filodiffusione, Radio RAI's fifth channel, featuring a fragment from Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice, performed by the Phoenix Ensemble (Switzerland) conducted by Jürg Henneberger, and excerpts from the multimedia projects CREDO and WINNERS, conducted by the composer. The portrait has been diffused once more on October 23 (repeat: October 24). |
March 17, 2007 - Rome Lecture at the University "La Sapienza" Andrea Molino has been invited by the University "La Sapienza" in Rome (Villa Mirafiori). Professor Pietro Montani, who holds the chair of Esthetics at the Department for Philosophy of La Sapienza, asked him to held a lecture on his work and especially on his recent multimedia projects. The lecture intitled "L'umanità del boia e l'innocenza di Dio: studi per un nuovo teatro" ('The Executioner's Humanity and the Innocence of God: studies for a new theatre') included a live presentation of the multimedia system developed by Andrea Molino and Holger Stenschke for the projects CREDO and WINNERS. |
October 18, 2006 – Paris, Centre Pompidou WINNERS – European Premiere Andrea Molino's multimedia music action WINNERS, premiered in Brisbane on July 22, 2006 has been presented at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. On October 18, the Grande Salle hosted the European Premiere of the multimedia music action, created by Fabrica Musica and the Brisbane Festival 2006, conceived and composed by Andrea Molino and directed by Lyndon Terracini. The event was a part of Fabrica: les yeux ouverts, an exhibition in the Centre Pompidou; Andrea Molino was the artistic director for the music programme of this event. Andrea Molino has conducted the most successful performance featuring among others Sascha Armbruster and Raphael Camenisch (sax), the Australian percussion group TaikOz and the orchestra Dresdner Sinfoniker. |
October 18, 2006 – Paris and November 27, 2006 – Karlsruhe Presentation of the new released DVD of CREDO The DVD of Andrea Molino's multimedia music theatre CREDO, published by the French music label Naïve, has been presented in Paris in the Librairie Flammarion (Centre Pompidou) on October 18, 2006 as well as in Karlsruhe in the Staatstheater in the presence of the composer. CREDO, a music multimedia musical theatre, was premiered in the Staatstheater Karlsruhe (April 30, 2004) and has since been performed in Brisbane, Australia (July 2005) and in Rome (November 2004). The DVD, subtitled in English, French, German, Italian, Hebrew and Arab, features the evening of the world premiere in Karlsruhe, the backstage of the Italian premiere, and other extra tracks. It includes also the documentation of the production phases, multimedia and interactive material, as well as interviews with people from Belfast and Jerusalem. |
WINNERS in Brisbane on July 22 Reviews of the World Premiere On July 22, 2006, Andrea Molino's multimedia music action WINNERS was first performed in the Brisbane Festival 2006. A 'must-see event' (Brisbane News) which has met with an enthusiastic public. '... In a 2006 Brisbane Festival not lacking in visual splendour, the opening of Winners stakes a claim as the most thrilling spectacle of all. ... Behind a scrim that serves as a screen for multimedia text and visual projection, and with the full-strength Queensland Orchestra amplified and splendidly lit, thet seven-member percussion ensemble TaikOz, on a platform above, goes hammer-and-tongs on a barrage of Japanese drums. ... It's breathtaking, sexy as hell... That it exists at all is a miracle, and testament to the vision and determination of Italian composer-conductor Andrea Molino, Brisbane Festival director Lyndon Terracini, and their worldwide team of location-supervisors...' Courier Mail, Brisbane, 24.7.2006 / Martin Buzacott |
September 8, 2006 – Molino conducts in Venice Reich's City Life with the Ex Novo Ensemble Andrea Molino has conducted a concert in the frame of the event "City-Sense. Perceptual Landscapes/Sensorial Saturation", organized by Domus Academy and Progetto Italia as a part of their common project Artexperience 2006. As a part of the event the concert featuring Steve Reich's City Life (1995) with Andrea Molino conducting the Ex Novo Ensemble has closed the evening. |
April 10, 2006 – Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany Andrea Molino, a portrait by Dorette Deutsch The Bavarian Radio Station Bayerischer Rundfunk has broadcasted a one hour portrait about Andrea Molino and Fabrica Musica (BR2 21.30-22.30). On occasion of a visit in Fabrica, the Italian "Research and Development Communication Centre" near Treviso (Veneto), the author Dorette Deutsch has interviewed Andrea Molino and has had the opportunity to collect impressions about Fabrica Musica's work and its young fellows from all over the world. |
January 19, 2006 – ZKM-Media Theatre, Karlsruhe Molino has taken part in open discussion on "Media Production" Andrea Molino has taken part in the open discussion on "Media Production" together with Alain Fleischer (Le Fresnoy), Peter Weibel (ZKM) and the public which was organized by the ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany) in the ZKM-Media Theatre on January 19, 2006 on occasion of the opening of the exhibition Enseigner/Produire. Teaching, Communication and Production in the Age of Consumer Generated Content. The clear trend for consumer oriented media and the question of artistic media education was the main topics for discussion. During the opening, the ZKM Media Theatre has shown documentation that french curator, Christophe Kihm prepared, on different Universities, ie: KHM (Cologne), Fabrica (Catena di Villorba, Italy), MECAD (Barcelona), CAFA-Central Academy of Fine Arts (Peking), and many more. As a cultural institution, the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe holds a unique position in the world. It responds to the rapid developments in information technology and today's changing social structures. Its work combines production and research, exhibitions and events, coordination and documentation. The exhibition can be seen from January 20 to March 3, 2006 in the ZKM-Museum Balcony.
November 2005 – Fabrica WINNERS: Workshop In November in Treviso, a workshop about the project with Andrea Molino involves all of Fabrica's departments. |
Inauguration evening at The Venice Biennale's Music Festival Heiner Goebbels' Surrogate Cities_Venice The Italian premiere of the fully staged version, directed by Heiner Goebbels, and conducted by Andrea Molino, was presented in Venice on September 28, 2005. |
Opening evening of the Queensland Festival of Music Andrea Molino: CREDO The Australian premiere on July 15, 2005 met with an enthusiastic public. |
